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I started using the cash envelope system in 2021 and have become hooked! It not only helps with my impulse spending, but it gives me a quick glimpse of my finances. I can immediately see how much I can spend. I love going to the bank each payday and taking out cash for my weekly spending envelopes and sinking funds.
If you are using the cash envelope system on your budgeting journey, then I have a great gift in store for you! I created these cute butterfly inspired cash envelope breakdown sheet and slip! These can be used each time that you go to the bank and the best part is that I am giving them to you as a FREEBIE!
To get your Free Cash Breakdown Sheets, click the link below to begin the download!
Cash Breakdown SheetsThe Printable Cash Envelope Breakdown Sheet and Slip

I created these slips because I needed to know the exact denominations of cash I would withdraw from the bank. This cash breakdown sheet solves that problem, so that you have the exact amounts of money that you need. There have been plenty of times when I sat down to do my cash envelope stuffing and didn’t have the correct denominations. IT WAS FRUSTATING and time consuming!
The cash breakdown sheets eliminate this problem. The bank teller will LOVE YOU when you give them the cash breakdown slip. It lets the bank teller know the exact amounts of money that you need without holding up the line. Or is it just me that gets a little anxious when there is a line of people waiting behind me.
How to Use the Cash Breakdown Sheet

I’ll start with the cash breakdown sheet because you need to have this filled out before you complete the cash breakdown slip.

Here are the steps:
- Write the Cash Envelope Categories that you need cash for. This is the money that you have budgeted for each cash envelope category. (Examples: Groceries, Medical. Entertainment, Gas, Hair, Nails, Eating Out, Household, Christmas, Vacation, Pet, etc.).
- Write the total amount that you will be stuffing for each cash envelope category. This goes in the ‘Total Amount’ column for each category. (Example: Groceries $100, Medical $10)
- Fill in the Cash Denominations (1, 5, 10, 20, 50, and 100) for each category total amount. This should add up to the total amount.
- At the bottom of the page there is a line named ‘Total’. Go through each column from top to bottom and add the total for each column on that bottom line.
After you have completed your cash breakdown sheet take out your cash breakdown slip. This slip is easy to fill in because you are taking the totals from your cash breakdown sheet above.

- You will look at the ‘Total’ line on your cash breakdown sheet and fill in the numbers for each cash denomination for each line on the cash break down slip. For the cash denominations that are zero write ‘0’ on that line. (For $1 bills fill in the total amount. If you need 100 – $1 bills then you will write 100 next to $1, and then continue until the slip is completed.)
- After you have filled out the cash denominations, write in the Total Withdrawal Amount at the bottom of the slip. This is the Total Amount of Money that you will be withdrawing from the bank. This Total Amount is the same amount on the cash breakdown sheet at the bottom next to “Total”.
Note: If your total amount does not match the denominations then go back to your cash breakdown sheet and make sure that you added all of the columns correctly. Recalculate and adjust until your total withdrawal amount is correct.
How Often Should You Stuff Your Cash Envelopes?

I have been asked why I stuff my cash envelopes weekly. My cash envelope stuffings are based on my pay periods. I get paid weekly so I stuff my cash envelopes weekly. When I got paid biweekly (every two weeks) I would stuff my cash envelopes biweekly. The frequency is based on your pay periods, budget, and how often you need to stuff your cash envelopes. I stuff my spending cash envelopes weekly, but my sinking fund cash envelopes monthly.
I know that the cash envelope system can seem intimidating, but once you start using the system consistently you will love it! You will have to set some time aside each pay period to complete your budget and cash breakdown, but it will be worth it. These small changes will lead to major improvements in your finances!
Get the Free Printable Cash Breakdown Sheets

It’s time to get your cash breakdown sheets! It’s simple to download and get started today. These sheets are in color, but you can print them in black and white as they will still look great!

To get your Free Printable Cash Breakdown Sheets, Click the link below to begin the Download:
Cash Breakdown SheetsPlease feel free to check out the free budgeting resource library that has all a bunch of budgeting trackers to help you transform your finances: Free Budgeting Resource Librar
Are You Ready to Improve Your Finances?

If you are tired of feeling stuck in your finances and want to take control of them, then try the cash envelope system. If you don’t like the system, that’s okay. Try another budgeting system. The key is to find the budgeting system that works for you and that you will stick to.
I created these cash breakdown sheets because I want to offer as many resources as possible to help you transform your finances. Take a look around my Free Resource Library and get the tools that you need to start your budgeting journey.
Now that my speech is over, lol. Please leave me a comment below letting me know if you are new to the cash envelope system or how long you have been using the system. Don’t forget to connect with me on social media: @thesavingbutterfly