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Can you believe that it’s already May? This year is flying by, and I don’t want us to get to the end of the year and not reach our savings’ goals. To help with this I decided to start adding monthly savings challenges to my Free Resource Library. I have been able to save $600 so far just from completing my monthly savings challenges! This month I have the May Savings Challenge that will help you to save $100! And you already know it’s a FREEBIE!
To get your Free May Savings Challenge, click the link below to begin the download!
May Savings ChallengeThe Printable $100 May Savings Challenge

I love monthly savings challenges because they are an easy way to save money on a regular basis. When you complete the challenge for the month you keep going on to the next month. By the end of the year, you will have a large savings amount!
I am a huge fan of low savings amounts because larger savings challenges can seem unattainable. If you complete small challenges, you will feel motivated to keep going. That is the purpose of the May savings challenge: To motivate you to save small amounts of money regularly.
How to Complete the Savings Challenge

This savings challenge is a color and save tracker. That means that each time that you save an amount on an image you color in that image. There are images on the savings challenge tracker with different amounts ($3, $5, and $10). This savings challenge is great for low income budgeters because you can add small amounts of money over time!

How Often Should You Add Money to Your Savings Challenge?

I created all of my savings challenges for you to save at your own pace. You get to decide how often you want to add money to your challenge. If you want to add money each time that you are paid, you can do that. If you want to add the leftover money from your cash unstuffing, go for it! If you can only add a dollar, do it! The key is to not quit.
The goal of this savings challenge is to get you into the habit of saving money. Even if you are not able to complete the savings challenge in May, continue to save whenever you can.
Push Forward

The goal of this savings challenge is to get you into the habit of saving money. Even if you are not able to complete the savings challenge in May, continue to save whenever you can. Make a commitment to yourself that you will save money this year and take the action needed to save.
When I started budgeting, I didn’t have any money to save. I was behind on bills and didn’t know where my money was going. Once I organized my finances and created a budget, THERE WAS NO STOPPING ME!
I was able to see the leaks in my budget such as subscriptions, daily coffee trips, overspending on groceries, and impulse shopping. I decided that saving money was more important than accumulating things that I would eventually grow tired of. I started with small savings challenges and worked my way up to larger ones. So, on those days or weeks that you feel like giving up, PUSH FORWARD!
Get Your Free Printable May Savings Challenge

To get your Free Printable $100 May Savings Challenge, Click the link below to begin the download:
May Savings ChallengePlease feel free to check out the free budgeting resource library that has all a bunch of budgeting trackers to help you transform your finances: Free Budgeting Resource Library.
Challenge Yourself!

If you are ready to challenge yourself and save money this month, let’s get started! Start today, even if you add a dollar to your challenge. Stay consistent by adding money to your savings challenge whenever you can. Once you see those savings add up, you will want to save more!
Remember to celebrate the progress that you have made daily and be kind to yourself. Budgeting and saving is a journey, so celebrate those milestones along the way.
Before you start saving your savings challenge, please leave me a comment below letting me how often you plan to add money to your savings challenge. Don’t forget to connect with me on social media: @thesavingbutterfly