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I have been completely into pumpkin spice this month, so my trips to Starbucks have increased. 😊 I decided to add a category to my budget for coffee and purchase a gift card at the beginning of each month to stay within budget. Once the gift card balance runs out, that’s it! No more coffee runs until the next month.
I began this in August and enjoyed having a set amount of money for coffee. This allows me to enjoy the seasonal coffees and not overspend. If you find yourself in a similar situation and want to stay within your budget for caffeine, then I have the perfect savings challenge for you! I created the Coffee Please Savings Challenge to help you save enough money to reload your coffee gift card. And you already know this savings tracker is a freebie! To get your Free Coffee Please Savings Challenge, click the link below to begin the download!
$50 Coffee Please Savings ChallengeIt’s About Budgeting Not Deprivation

I am a coffee addict. There I said it! It began when I entered adulthood, and it has gotten a little worse the crazier my schedule gets. I have gotten better this year because in 2022 I spent $30-$40 a week getting coffee. That added up to about $120 to $160 a month, or $1,560 to $2,080 a year! Yikes! Once I realized how bad it had gotten I decided to go cold turkey.
No coffee runs before work or doing that 3pm slump. If a coworker was going out to grab a coffee and asked if I wanted something, I forced myself to say no. That lasted for a little while. Like two weeks, lol. I couldn’t take being deprived of something that I enjoyed, so I started spending like crazy on caffeine.
I then started to see that I had less money to spend on other things that I enjoyed so I knew that my coffee splurges had to stop. I decided to create a coffee savings challenge that helped me to save for my coffee trips. This made me to stay within my budget and indulge when I wanted caffeine. I realized that I didn’t have to deprive myself to save money, I just had to budget better.
The Printable $50 Coffee Please Savings Challenge

That brings me to the $50 Coffee Please Savings Challenge. You may not spend money on coffee as often as I do, but still want to have some money saved for those times that you need a coffee fix. This savings challenge is perfect for this because it allows you to save small amounts of money over time.
This self-paced savings tracker will help you to stay within your budget and save up for the things that you want. It has 12 images on the tracker with amounts ranging from $3 to $5. This challenge is small, so that you can complete it quickly and use the money to reload your gift card or put in your cash envelope wallet. I am all about moderation and not depriving yourself of the things that you enjoy.
How to Complete the Savings Challenge

This is a color and save challenge because we color a lot over here. 😊 Each time that you save an amount on the tracker color in that image. Coloring the images that you complete helps you to see your progress and motivates you to get it done quicker!
I added some color images to this tracker to inspire your coloring, but you can color it to match your favorite coffee shop. I have three favorite coffee shops, so I plan to have an assortment of colors on my tracker.
Get Your Free Printable Coffee Please Savings Challenge

To get your Free Printable $50 Coffee Please Savings Challenge, click the link below to begin the download:
$50 Coffee Please Savings ChallengePlease feel free to check out the free budgeting resource library that has all a bunch of budgeting trackers to help you transform your finances: Free Budgeting Resource Library.
Treat Yourself!

If you have not treated yourself to anything, then now is the time to do it. It doesn’t have to be expensive. It doesn’t have to cost money. I love to sit still and rest. That is a treat for me because I work 10-12 hours a day. Do something that brings you joy and don’t forget to celebrate your progress, no matter how small. IT ALL ADDS UP!
Please reach out to me in the comment section below or shoot me a message on social media: @thesavingbutterfly. I’d love to hear about your savings progress so that I can celebrate with you!