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If you have read my previous posts or connected with me on social media, then you already know that I love savings challenges! When I begin my budgeting journey it was difficult to stay consistent with saving money. I would give up after a month or two because I was not seeing progress.
In 2022 I started using savings challenges to save money and it was a GAME CHANGER for me! I love the challenge of working towards completing a visual goal. The best part is that I get to save money!
After completing so many challenges, I realized that I didn’t keep track of how many challenges I completed each month. So, I created a tracker for my savings challenges, and I want to share it with you today as a FREEBIE! I created the Savings Challenges Tracker as a way to track all of your savings challenges!
To get your Savings Challenges Tracker, click the link below to begin the download!
Savings Challenges TrackerThe Printable Savings Challenges Tracker

The savings challenges tracker was created as a way for you to keep track of how much you have saved for each savings challenge. There is a start and end date, place to write in the savings challenge name, and how much you have saved. At the bottom of the tracker there is a Total Savings line where you can add up all of your savings challenge amounts and get your total savings.

This tracker is meant to show how much money you have saved within a period of time. This can be a week, month, year, or however long you want. I use this tracker each month because I complete four to five savings challenges a month. It’s fun to look back at the end of the year and see how much money you have saved!
How to Complete the Savings Challenge Tracker

This tracker is simple and will only take a minute or two to fill out. You will start with filling in the challenge name and start date. After you have completed the savings challenge, go back in and fill in the completed date and total savings amounts.
You will do this for each savings challenge and the best part is that you can print as many trackers as you need!
Don’t Start Too Many Challenges at Once

I have been doing savings challenges for over a year and have done over 40 challenges. My savings challenges have low savings goals: $75 to $350, so I am able to complete four to five challenges a month.
If you are new to saving, I would suggest starting out with one savings challenge. This will get you into the swing of saving without feeling overwhelmed. I would also suggest starting out with a low-income savings challenge. I have some free savings challenges in my free resources library that you will see when you get this tracker.
Free Printable Savings Challenges Tracker

Now is the time to get your Free Savings Challenges Tracker so that you can see those savings grow!
To get your Free Printable Emergency Fund Savings Challenge, Click the link below to begin the download:
Savings Challenges TrackerPlease feel free to check out the free budgeting resource library that has all a bunch of budgeting trackers to help you transform your finances: Free Budgeting Resource Library.
It’s Time to Start Tracking!

By this point you know how to use the savings challenges tracker, my tip of starting with one savings challenge, and how to access the free tracker. Here comes the exciting part, the saving and tracking!
There are so many amazing savings challenges out there that will help you to get started. I have a lot in my shop here because I love creating low-income savings challenges! It’s what keeps me consistent with saving and my challenges have helped others save more money.
Before you start tracking your savings, please leave me a comment below letting me know if you have ever completed a savings challenge. I love talking about saving money and providing tips that have helped me when I began. Don’t forget to connect with me on social media: @thesavingbutterfly.blog