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I have a great surprise for this week’s savings challenge! It’s not a Fall themed challenge! 😊 But seriously, I decided to switch it up and do a whimsical savings challenge that is a fun and easy way to save money. The Fairy Dust Savings Challenge helps you save $325 with this follow the savings style tracker. I am giving it to you as a freebie because I enjoy sharing these challenges with you! To get your Free Fairy Dust Savings Challenge click the link below to begin the download!
Fairy Dust Savings ChallengeThe Printable Fairy Dust Savings Challenge

This savings challenge is fairy themed with a splash of sparkle on the savings tracker. I like glitter, so I made sure that this tracker had a lot of shimmer! I wanted to make this challenge colorful and fun, so that you would enjoy completing it.
I have wanted to do a full color savings challenge freebie for a while, so I decided that this is the perfect time. It will require some ink, but this challenge is worth printing in color. It will be a great addition to your winter or 2024 savings challenges!
How to Complete the Savings Challenge

The Fairy Dust Savings Challenge has 25 amounts that go in order from $1 to $25. It’s a simple complete and save challenge, that has a start and finish. You start at space 1 by saving $1 and move on to each spot and save the amount on the circle image. You can color or check off each amount that you save. The goal is to make it to the finish spot and save the final $25.
You do not have to go in order for this challenge. The goal is to save any of the amounts that you can. Even if you save amounts 1-10 you will save $55! Do this savings challenge at your own pace and make it fun!
Stop the Comparisons and Focus on Your Goals

One of my goals for 2023 was to stop comparing myself to others. I have done this my entire adult life, especially when it comes to owning a business. I have compared my progress to others, which took my focus off what I have accomplished.
I want to share my savings story with you because I often get messages comparing my savings progress to the individuals that message me. They want to know how I can save the amounts that I do each month and why they are not able to on their income.
I explain that two years ago I couldn’t save $50 in a month because I didn’t have enough to pay my bills. I didn’t know where my money was going and why I never had enough each month. Then my budgeting journey began. Shortly after I started to make savings challenges because I couldn’t find ones with low savings amounts. I saved my first $75 during the month of October 2021, and continued going. I was so proud of myself for saving $75! Most would say that’s nothing, but it was the first time that I followed through on saving money!
My love for creating fun savings challenges grew into a business because there was a demand for low income savings trackers. Then came my leap to create a savings challenge book in September of 2022. I had never made a physical product before, so it took a lot of trial and error. Oh, and many tears because I had to redesign the cover 6 times! I had to learn how to order the correct number of supplies, paper weights, printing borderless vs. bordered printing, laminating, coil, binding, and so on. I put a lot of effort into this, AND IT PAID OFF!
That produced additional income for me, which allows me to save more. The largest jump was going into entrepreneurship full time. Yes, I have an MBA, but it was still scary. Each day is filled with a worry that I try to push past. The only thing that has really helped is creating a safety net through saving money and continuing to share my savings challenges and progress with every one of you.
The point that I am trying to make is that my life started to get better when I stopped comparing myself to others. When I focused on my goals and progress. My life is far from perfect, but I truly love the work that I get to do in my business. Spend your time celebrating your progress and focusing on your goals. You won’t have time to worry about what others are doing when you are living your best life!
Get Your Free Printable Fairy Dust Savings Challenge

It’s time for you to download the Fairy Dust Savings Challenge! To get your Free Fairy Dust Savings Challenge Click the link below to begin the download:
Fairy Dust Savings ChallengePlease feel free to check out the free budgeting resource library that has all a bunch of budgeting trackers to help you transform your finances: Free Budgeting Resource Library.
Live Your Best Life!

It’s time for you to live your best life! I’m not just talking about saving money. I mean in every aspect of your life. To do and have the things that you want. To wake up with excitement for the day. That starts with deciding what you want for your life. The person that you want to be.
Grab a notebook, piece of paper, or open the notes app on your phone. Make a list of all the things that you want to have, learn, accomplish, see, do, give, become, etc. There are no limits, so write everything that comes to mind.
Then select one of the items on your list and write three actions steps that you will need to take to make it happen. Start with this as the goal and work towards those action steps daily.
Move on to other items on your list and create actions steps. If you don’t know what steps are needed to take to achieve what you want, search online for the steps and people that have done what you want to do. The goal is to work towards getting what you want.
Now that you are ready to knock out another savings challenge, I want to hear about your progress. I’m on all social media platforms, so feel free to connect with me: @thesavingbutterfly